Water Committee Meets July 30th in Homer

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Tonight, Monday July 30th, 2012 at 7:00pm, the Homer Water Committee will meet to consider whether or not to sell the community’s water to the mine for washing coal. Homer residents and members of the public are invited to weigh in on the proposal as the Village considers whether  this is the best use of the community’s water supply.

Tonight’s meeting will be one of the only opportunities Homer residents have to share with the Village their concerns about:

  • additional infrastructure costs to the village
  • liabilities for the village, including limited water supply
  • potential limits to future growth
  • historical water shortages and concern for the future
  • water quality and quantity impacts to nearby rural wells and the Salt Fork

Additionally, tonight’s meeting is an opportunity to thank the Village for deciding to seek detailed studies that would explore some of the potential impacts providing water to the coal mine would have on area groundwater and rivers (see agenda here).

***Take Action***

We are expanding our petition drive to include an online petition – please sign now, and share with your friends!

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