IDNR Grants Application Extension to Sunrise Coal (Again)

In August 2014, Sunrise Coal submitted their SMCRA permit application to IDNR for the proposed Bulldog Mine in Vermilion County.  The following March (2015), IDNR responded back to Sunrise Coal requesting answers to 62 questions regarding the permit.  IDNR gave Sunrise Coal one year to respond.

In March 2016, Sunrise Coal requested another year to answer these questions.  IDNR quietly granted the request.  Little was heard from either party during this time.  FOIA requests have uncovered some communications, and a partial draft of the revised permit.

In March 2017, Sunrise Coal requested yet another extension, for 6 months this time.  IDNR granted this request as well.  Hopefully, Sunrise Coal will have a final permit application complete for submission by September.

The Illinois statutes do not allow for any further public forums, hearings, or comment periods on the modified permit.

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